Preeti dances her way to be a Choreographer & dance coach

Preeti dances her way to be a Choreographer & dance coach

  • Category :
  • 14, April 2021
  • 2 minutes read

Preeti studies in 6th standard of GKHPS Pottery Town School in Bengaluru. At the young age of 12-years, she wants to become a choreographer and a dance coach. Born in a normal economically challenged family to a mother who works as domestic help and a father who is a daily-wage labourer, she knows the value of every penny.

She loves it when she takes part in dance competitions that award the winner with a cash prize. She works hard to perfect her dance moves and practices day in and day out. She takes part in dance competitions at school, comes back home, recollects the steps and times her dance moves to match the tune of the song. Her parents could not afford to buy a music system, which is why she goes back to school and uses the player to practice dance.

Preeti believes that no amount of hurdles can stop one person from achieving their dreams if they are firm to attain them.

Preeti says she loves dancing. She further goes on to say it calms her down and it feels like meditation to her where she completely loses herself by being the character in the song. She also says she loves performing in front of a large crowd who cheers and appreciates her dedication. Her favourite film stars are Sandalwood’s Puneet Rajkumar and Radhika Pandit.

She has taken part in interschool competitions like the Sinchana inter-school festival (held at Ambedkar Bhavan) to many Sandalwood numbers. This is an inter-school dance competition that brings children from Government schools across the country to one platform. She believes that this is just a start; she wants to be a trained dancer and win big trophies in every competition.

The idea behind being a well-known dancer and choreographer is to train children who come from challenging backgrounds, free of cost. Preeti wants to be an inspiration to others and set an example for children to know that they should not be complacent in life; only if they have a target can they fulfil their dreams.

Having said that, she also gives a disclaimer, “My passion for dancing hasn’t taken away the love I have for studies.” She enjoys attending school and Kannada, English, Mathematics, Computers and Science are her favourite subjects. She has started enjoying studying since the time she left her hostel with her sister. She says that she was not able to study at the hostel nor did she enjoy the food that was provided. 

Preeti says, “The meals are extremely nutritious here.” She does not want to miss even a single day of food as these meals are tasty and provide her with the energy she requires to practice her art. She loves the Puliyogare, Chitranna, Rasam Rice, Anna Sambar and Tomato Rice served by Akshaya Patra.

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